A Living Word: Wait. God is looking for me?

 But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.  For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24

As I am reading through the book of John this March, the Holy Spirit stopped me right in my tracks today.

I have read the account of the Samaritan woman numerous times. This encounter is one of my favorites for several reasons…. Jesus’ being physically tired, showcasing his complete humanity. Jesus’ pursuit of this woman who, culturally, was one to be avoided. His play on “Living water”, her response to run back to the village and tell everyone about Jesus …. sooooo many reasons I love it.

But today – a lump formed in my throat. I almost cried…. because of these words….

The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way….. v. 23

Oh my goodness. I need to sit a little longer with WHY exactly I almost burst into tears over this, but off the cuff, I know I want him to FIND ME.

Isn’t it mind boggling to think that the Father is just LOOKING for SOMEONE to truly worship Him?

I mean, what am I DOING?

I know what I am about to say isn’t necessarily “theologically correct” because He is ALWAYS with me, full of grace and compassion, BUT just roll with this idea for a moment …. What if, on the off chance, it was my life he was scanning over on his search, heaven forbid it that I would be lost in the NOTHINGNESS of ____________________. (fill in the blank)

  • mindless scrolling
  • gossip
  • overspending online
  • worry for the future
  • anxiety over finances
  • a fight with my husband
  • frustration with a friend
  • fixated on body image
  • an inappropriate Netflix series
  • listening to dishonoring music

The Father is seeking such people to worship Him. (esv)

Seeking/Looking: (zēteō): to seek [in order to find out]

Worship: (proskyneō): in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make deferential adoration towards, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication. homage rendered to God and the ascended Christ

God the Father is looking (in order to find) those whose HEARTS are prostrate before Him. Whose LIVES are paying homage, ADORING HIM, by how they live, serve, speak, love, think, spend their time and energy…. This type of life is set apart. And He is looking for these people.

What I worship MATTERS TO GOD. He is seeking and looking for me to adore HIM. And friends, I want to be found. Don’t you?

Oh Father… I pray today that you find me today. Let my life be turned toward you…. worshipping YOU in Spirit and in Truth. My heart prostrate towards you… constantly aware of your presence with me. Thank you for your grace towards me when this is NOT the case – when I am lost in idolatry of some sort… but today, let it be me you find – worshipping YOU in Spirit and in Truth. Amen.

I means so much to hear from you!